Powder Town

“Powder Town burns with wit, richness of language and idiom, and a droll but invigorating intelligence and humor. Lazar’s various speakers place us in mid-century America, and earlier, the film noir subjects and textures resonating in glorious black & white and preserving our smudged collective soul, the everyman/ woman lost in the lost city. At every turn, Lazar risks clarity, and his use of by-gone jargon is resonant, playful and serious, existential and lyric. These prose poems cast a look back at our history, with hope and hopelessness combined.”—Christopher Buckley
“David Lazar’s voice surprises the reader and wakes the world to the thriving art of the prose poem. His vision and word play lead to a serious study of the form but, before you know it, this book has taken a journey toward revelation and redemption. In other words, this is a text of celebration and contains writing that prepares the human soul for the future.”—Ray Gonzalez